Collection Gallery of ASAC Members
ASAC members represent the nation’s leading antique firearms, armor, and accessories and accoutrements collectors.
Click on heading to see each category.
NOTE: images with “click to see bulletin…” are linked to the Bulletin article they appear in.
Images with only “bulletin…” appear in that printed Bulletin but cannot be linked to.
Thomas Hollier double disk cutlass
Thomas Hollier double disk cutlass
Click to see Bulletin v123 p69

Early 16th century Scottish basket hilted sword
Early 16th century Scottish basket hilted sword
Bulletin v121 p97
Prahl & Starr model 1807 cavalry saber
Prahl & Starr model 1807 cavalry saber
Click to see Bulletin v122 p42
1860 Colt pistol with O serial number
1860 Colt pistol with O serial number
Click to see Bulletin v118 p23
Smith and Wesson Model 1 4th Variant
Smith and Wesson Model 1 4th Variant
Click to see Bulletin v122 p81
Isaac Hull North Presentation Pistol
Isaac Hull North Presentation Pistol
Click to see Bulletin v122 p50

Surgeon Bentley's Pond Cased Revolver
Surgeon Bentley's Pond Cased Revolver
Click to see Bulletin v123 p33

North German black and white field armor ca
North German black and white field armor ca
Bulletin v122 p114

CS Brigade surgeon Shaffner's surgical set
CS Brigade surgeon Shaffner's surgical set
Bulletin v123 p116

Sheridan's Cavalry Badge - Henry Bartlett
Sheridan's Cavalry Badge - Henry Bartlett
Bulletin v121 p99
Revolutionary War cartridge box plate
Revolutionary War cartridge box plate
Click to see Bulletin v123 p5

Pick and brush set on cartridge box
Pick and brush set on cartridge box
Click to see Bulletin v117 p62

HMS Invincible fire-cannon sponge bucket
HMS Invincible fire-cannon sponge bucket
Bulletin v122 p110
M1884 Experimental Springfield Trapdoor Carbine 24" Barrel
M1884 Experimental Springfield Trapdoor Carbine 24" Barrel
Bulletin v122 p102

Remington Pederson Devices M1903 and M1917
Remington Pederson Devices M1903 and M1917
Bulletin v123 p144

Isaac de Seret Breech Loading Rifled Carbine
Isaac de Seret Breech Loading Rifled Carbine
Bulletin v121 p111

Nimschke Engraved Smith and Wesson Revolving Rifle
Nimschke Engraved Smith and Wesson Revolving Rifle
Bulletin v121 p113
Breech Loaders Lamson-Ball vs Berdan
Breech Loaders Lamson-Ball vs Berdan
Click to see Bulletin v124 p22
Remington Rolling Block 1870 Trial Carbine
Remington Rolling Block 1870 Trial Carbine
Click to see Bulletin v118 p62